What does ‘Ethnos’ mean? (it’s Greek to me)

Ethnos [eth-nos] noun (plural) – all nations, races, nationalities, or cultures. And actually, it is Greek.

What makes Ethnos Church different?

In many ways we’re very similar to other churches that teach the Bible and follow Jesus. On top of that, we are working hard to reflect the ethnic diversity of Downtown (which is a reflection of heaven, too). So  you’ll see people from all different backgrounds on the platform every Sunday, and our staff and key volunteer leaders are equally as diverse.

What should I wear?

We’re not so concerned with appearances. Dress in whatever makes you comfortable and come be part of our family.

What denomination are you?

We aren’t connected to any denomination. We’re an independent body of believers doing our best to follow Jesus. We do, however, freely associate with like-minded churches and work together with The Church (all of Jesus’ followers worldwide) to carry out His mission here on the earth.

I don’t believe in God – am I still welcome?

Of course! None of us were born believing in God and we’re all on a journey. We think it’s better to journey together. So bring your questions and doubts, but most of all, bring the real you.

Who funds this church?

We run on the donations of the ordinary people that make up Ethnos Church, though we did receive startup funds from some area churches. Very soon we will be a self-sustaining congregation.

Other FAQs?

Have more questions? Ask us anything: elie@ethnoschurchmke.org