Our Story

Our seminal idea is based on John 17:20-23 and Ephesians 2:11-22. We want to see the people of God—people of differing cultural backgrounds—learning to be in relationship together in Christ. Only then can we witness the full light of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. “Go and preach the gospel to every nation,” applies to Christians of all nations (including Americans) and establishes the biblical principle that all kinds of people are welcome—and expected—in a healthy church.

The mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32 is one of the tiniest seeds found in the Middle East. Just as a large tree can grow from a tiny seed, God can accomplish mighty things through faith. We believe the mustard seed represents the divine beginnings for an Ethnos Church plant in Milwaukee. While it is impossible to immediately develop relationships with over 600,000 people who reside in the city of Milwaukee, it is possible for a few disciples to begin to move Milwaukee with faith.

Why Ethnos Church?

It’s God’s Call.

Reaching the lost is mandated by Scripture. “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Gen. 12:-13; Matt 28:19; Acts 2:41-47).

It’s Effective.

Church planting has been found to be the most effective way to reach people for Christ.

New churches best reach:

  • New generations
  • New residents
  • New immigrants and
  • New international students

Why Milwaukee?

Milwaukee needs a church plant that is intentionally multi-ethnic because our city is changing and becoming more diverse. Internationals currently represent more than 25% of the population of Milwaukee.

Many internationals are falling through the cracks of existing churches.  There are groups of people who do not fit into the traditional categories of churches.  Some are lonely and looking for a place to belong.

We seek to create a church where all are understood and comforted:  Inter-racial couples, mixed families, immigrants (second and third generation) who prefer speaking English, urban and suburban ethnics who appreciate living and working in the midst of ethnic diversity, and internationals who do not speak English (usually first generation immigrants).

Ethnos [eth-nos]

 noun (plural) – all nations, races, nationalities, or cultures

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Listen to Pastor Elie share part of his story and the vision for Ethnos during an interview at The Ridge – March 30, 2014: